Homework will consist primarily of reading, spelling, and basic facts. Students are expected to read at home daily for 30 minutes. There will usually be a spelling quiz at the end of the week. Spelling lists will be given at the beginning of the week. In addition, students will be given math multiplication/division basic fact sheets to practice. Your child's basic fact sheets will be sent home in a duo-tang. Students will be expected to complete one fact page a night. The duo-tangs do not need to be sent back every day and can be checked by parents at home. If parents prefer, they can send the work back to be checked by their teacher after all pages have been completed. Any other homework will be communicated via email.
- Division booklet: - For this booklet, students are expected to complete 1 page every night. We understand that students have busy schedules so they can complete more pages one night and take a break other nights.
- Spelling
- Reading
- Students are focusing on the writing process, writing with details, and on reading comprehension skills.
- Reading fluency, independency and reading stamina
- Novel Study
- students will recall facts to 12
- Working towards multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number
- Students are learning about the systems of the Earth.
Social: Students are examining Alberta History
Religion: Students are exploring the questions: How is the Birth of Jesus a new beginning?
Health and Wellness: Activity living and healthy relationships